US Treasury CMB 161-day bill. Expected yield 5.27%, may go higher

By | May 25, 2023 10:21 pm EST

Since Treasury’s CMB doesn’t have a fixed schedule, which leads to less competitive bids, which in turn **usually"" leads to higher yield. This 161-day bill announced today has an expected yield of 5.27% according to Fidelity. But it **could** be higher. Example: last week’s 21-day bill estimated yield ~ 5.5% (can’t remember exactly). The final yield was 6.3+%.
Note: you can only buy it through brokers. Fidelity allows multiples of $1000 ("1 bond"). ETrade is multiples of $5000.
The auction day is May 30. Be sure to place the order before then. (Before 11 AM, I think. Don’t quote me on that. So just order now.)…/upcoming/

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