Monolith by Monoprice Belt Drive Turntable – Walnut (Open Box) – $120+ Shipping & Tax with Code “20MP” – $119.99

By | May 28, 2023 4:48 pm EST

While the OPEN BOX inventory lasts thru Memorial Wknd:
Hey SD Gang, was looking for a garage turntable and came across this last night and came across the OPEN BOX Monolith by Monoprice Turntable — it’s Belt Drive and comes with a ($70)Audio-Technica AT-VM95E Cartridge, Carbon Fiber Tonearm, USB, Bluetooth in Walnut, for $119.99 PLUS TAX AND SHIPPING TO YOUR DESTINATION.
Use code 20MP thru Memorial Weekend for the discount.
Mine came out to $154 and some change with shipping and tax, not a bad deal for an attractive table that matches my 80′s Realistic Simulated Walnut Receiver.
Anyhow, just thought I’d share in case anyone else was in the market.
Remember to apply the code 20MP and that shipping and tax is calculated at checkout on top of the $119.99 for the table based on where you live!
For $154 I’m willing to gamble, considering the cartridge alone runs $70 online at most places.

Category: Uncategorized

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