War of the Arrows Digital HD free on Google Play

By | January 29, 2017 12:45 pm EST

Free to own HD Digital on Google Play: LINK
Kung Fu Theater Free is Free
1623, the 15th year of King Gwanghaegun’s reign, King’s loyal servant and legendary archer, General Choi Pyong-ryang, is framed for treason and gets executed. His entire household meets the same tragic fate but his young son and daughter, Nam-yi and Ja-in, escape and flee to the safety of their father’s longtime friend, Kim Mu-seon’s home. The brother and sister take refuge under Kim’s wing and are raised as his own. 13 years pass and Qing China carries out a brutal invasion against Joseon, in what will later be known as second Manchu invasion of Korea. On the wedding day of Ja-in and Kim Mu-seon’s son, Seo-gun, Qing troops led by Commander Jiusinta attack the village and take the villagers as prisoners. Ja-in is among the hostage. When Nam-yi returns home later after getting injured in a battle, he finds his guardian murdered and his sister taken away by the Qing men. Nam-yi chases after the troop in a desperate attempt to save his sister. Nam manages to track down Ja-in but must face a battle with Jiusinta’s best men in order to escape.

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