Eero secure or Secure+ 50% off 12 month subscription

By | October 14, 2020 1:45 am EST

Eero is running a promo to get 50% off the yearly subscription to their secure or secure+ service. I had to do this via their website instead of their app. I was able to cancel my current 12 month secure subscription and click upgrade to secure+ entered the promo code OCTOBER at checkout to knock the due today $99 to $45.50 after checking out. I received an email for the actual charge of $38 due to getting credit for the remaining months of the normal secure service I had. I am not sure if the system would catch it if you do not cancel before upgrading from secure to secure+. At first I tried to do it without cancelling and it was counting the months till renewal and the next $99 charge from my original sign up day in February instead of today. I Didnt want to risk it, upon cancelling and then upgrading it was showing the 1/2 price due today and $99 due in 12 months (October 2021).

Category: Uncategorized

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