YMMV Passtime Motorcycle GPS Tracker includes data $164

By | May 27, 2023 4:49 am EST

I was researching cheapest low-cap data plans for <$10/month for a custom EV tracker I was building and got this in an email from riders-share. I was already considering it and then discovered it even cheaper on this link. Might be only for riders-share/alltrak llc members/employees. If it comes with 4 years of data then this is a steal for a full-featured GPS tracker ($3.42/month). Most others I’ve come across are around $10-20/month for data alone (which is ridiculous) but the device itself would be cheaper. YMMV as these might be group-specific offers. Non-returnable once activated and "installed".

  • No wiring required and won’t drain vehicle battery, battery is non-rechargeable Lithium Metal
  • Very compact like most trackers
  • Comes with it’s own cell data
  • Geofencing support
  • If GPS is limited it will use cell towers to give an estimate
  • App looks decent

https://portal.passtimegps.com/autotrakk 139+25 = $164.00 shipped overnight
https://portal.passtimegps.com/ridersshareinc 189+9.95 = $198.95 shipped ground

Category: Uncategorized

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