Milwaukee M12 FUEL 1/4″ impact, hammer drill, 3″ cutt off tool, 2ah battery, 4ah battery and charger (using “hack”) $207.93

By | May 23, 2024 9:56 pm EST…/321639507
add the item to cart, select the "free" battery to be added to your cart along with it when prompted. once you place the order, copy order number, start live chat and say "cancel order" follow the instructions to cancel ONLY THE BATTERY from the order. this works for pick ups or deliveries.
alternatively, you can return the bonus battery, refuse it at pick up, or send it to pick up at some other store and just don’t pick it up eventually the battery will be cancelled.
the batteries that are port of the kit alone are easily worth $50, if not more. the cost of the tools comes out to about $55 each.

Category: Uncategorized

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